Computer Skills for a CV in 2021 [Examples of Software to List]

Getting the job you want in the computing world is almost as easy as turning a device off and on. In less than you think you will be maintaining operating systems and solving technical problems for users. All you need is a computer curriculum.

You know perfectly well that the computer world requires a series of instructions to carry out tasks. In the same way, a resume also requires specific steps to obtain a job interview.

But don’t worry. After reading this guide, you will know everything you need to know to write a perfect computer CV and you will have direct access to that job you want so much.

Computer Skills for a CV in 2021 [Examples of Software to List]

Format your IT resume appropriately

A recruiter receives between 30 and 50 applications for each job opening. The competition is fierce, but the first step in making your IT resume stand out from the crowd is choosing the perfect format.

There are many CV templates and templates for an IT resume. However, always keep the following in mind:

  • Write your main contact details: name, phone, and email.
  • Include a professional photograph (forget about the selfies).
  • Set margins of 2.5 centimeters.
  • Use 1.5 line spacing to make it easier for the recruiter to read.
  • Use a format of reverse resume where you describe your most recent work experience first.
  • Save your resume in PDF (unless the company clearly specifies that it prefers another format.

Write a Profile or a Professional Objective

The IT realm is full of binary decisions: Android or IOS, Windows or Mac, Chrome or Firefox… Similarly, IT curricula have a duality: profile or professional objective.

Fortunately, the choice is very simple:

  • Write a professional profile if you have more than 2 years of experience in your area. Focus on measurable achievements and what you can offer the company.
  • Write a career objective if you just finished your studies or want to change your area of ​​expertise. The focus here should be your transferable skills and your work goals.

Describe your Jobs

The content of your IT CV is like data: essential. That is why the experience section is so relevant when creating a CV, as it contains the most relevant information about the candidate and her capabilities.

Here’s what you need to do to make your experience section stand out:

  • Include job title, company, and dates in which you worked in all the jobs in the section.
  • Use 4 to 6 bullets or bullets to describe your main tasks and skills.
  • Use action verbs to give each vignette more force.
  • Pay special attention to your achievements. 100% of recruiters say that resumes should emphasize measurable achievement.
  • Begin by describing your most recent position and then add previous ones in reverse chronological order.
  • Customize this section so that it is aligned with the description of the vacancy.

If as a computer professional, you dedicate yourself more to the field of engineering, you can consult our guide examples about the engineering curriculum.

Learn These Computer Skills to Advance at Work and Get Promoted | Career Tool Belt

Emphasize Your Education

Believe it or not, the education section of a computer curriculum is very important. All those sleepless nights at university deserve a special place on your CV. You should only adjust this area according to your experience:

  • If you have been working in the computer science area for many years (more than 5), your education section should only include your degree, the name of the university, and your start and end date.
  • If you are still studying or have just graduated, then you must add, in addition to the aforementioned data, your main academic achievements. Give priority to those who are most related to the position you are applying for.

Make Your Skills Shine

If there’s one thing you need to emphasize throughout your IT resume, it’s skilled. Although you must indeed assign a special section for them, do not forget to highlight your skills both in your work experience, as in your summary or professional objective.

Examples of Computer Resume Skills

  • UX
  • Java
  • Attention to Detail
  • HTML language
  • Agile methodology
  • Knowledge of SQL Server and Oracle
  • Troubleshooting
  • Customer service
  • Support for Windows and Mac systems

Add Additional Sections to your IT CV

Give your IT CV an upgrade by adding additional sections that encourage the recruiter to schedule an interview.

These are some of the extra sections that you can add to your CV:

  • Languages ​​
  • Volunteer work
  • Driving license
  • Availability
  • Hobbies

Computer Skills for the Workplace

End with an Outstanding Cover Letter

Your IT resume is indeed your entry device to the company of your choice. However, the cover letter gives you the additional support to complete the task, that is, get the recruiter to call you.

When making your IT cover letter, you should:

  • Include your contact details and those of the coach.
  • Address the coach by name (if possible).
  • Open with a “hook” that catches the reader from the first sentence.
  • Emphasize how you can help the company achieve its goals.
  • Close with a call to action that invites the recruiter to schedule an interview.